the space is low-scent, low volume/audio. fragrance-free soap and medical grade cleaning supplies are used in the ceremonial tattoo space. smoke cleansing from plants and low-scent cleansing sprays are present. please share any specific access needs.
where you grew up, where you currently live and/or however you interpret this.
identity. culture. hxstory. your story of what brought you here today.
what are your intentions and/or what kind of healing are you seeking?
handpoke, handtap, skin-stitch, machine?
questions, comments or concerns
thank you for completing the intake form!
if things feel in alignment, I will follow up with scheduling a free 20-minute phone consultation. you can ask more questions then.
ceremonial preparation and aftercare protocols, terms, conditions and policies will be shared only for confirmed ceremonies.
you can expect a response within 7-10 business days.
with gratitude and in kapwa,
julz bolinayen